
Tomáš Prokůpek
Tomáš Prokůpek (1975) is Head of the Department of the History of Literature at the Moravian Museum in Brno and specializes in the history of Central European comics up to the present day. He contributed to the publications A History of 20th Century Czechoslovak Comics (2014) and Before Comics. The Development of the Czech Strip Cartoon in the Second Half of the 19th Century (2016). He oversaw the publication of the collective monograph Ondřej Sekora: Ants and other Works (2019). He has worked as a curator on the exhibition projects Signals from the Unknown. Czech Comics 1922–2012 (2012–2013), 100 Years of Czech Comics (2017–2018) and Meanwhile, Elsewhere (2018–2019). He is a member of the Centre for the Studies of Comics and editor of the comics revue AARGH!