1st 12/2021
31st 12/2025
At the beginning of a vast project named CzechImage there was an exhibition of works made by students of design and art from the University of West Bohemia (CzechImage I, Gallery of the Czech Centres, January 2018). Young authors were asked to depict their own views of our country. Subsequently, foreign students were also approached with the same call (taking part in the CzechImage project) and assignment (to graphically depict their own views of the Czech Republic). Through the mediation of directors of Czech centres abroad the cooperation was successfully established in more than 10 foreign countries – European countries and also in remote Japan, country that is very forthcoming to the Czech Republic. Thanks to that, in December 2018 a loose continuation of the project – CzechImage II – was introduced in the Gallery of the Czech Centres in the form of a joint exhibition of young generation of foreign artists. With their distinctive interpretations these authors answered following assignment based questions: “How do you perceive the Czech Republic?”, “According to your opinion, what is the most characteristic of our country?”, “In what do you see the uniqueness of the Czech Republic?”. This way they incorporated their opinions of the Czech Republic into their works. Opinions that they´ve established during their lives through the perception of culture, news from media or from a direct contact with Czech public, friends, or acquaintances.
In the given context, within the bounds of national rounds, a competition was also announced, winners of which attended a three-day residential stay in Prague.
“... In summary, the CzechImage can certainly serve as a role model for a well thought through, perfectly conducted and organized international art events. My heartfelt thanks to all which were involved in this, it has left a lasting impression!”
Bernhard Cociancig, Austria
„For me, Czechia is a small country with a big heart. I do not know it simply by hearsay as I have been studying in the Czech centre in Charkov where I´ve got to know my lectors well. It is impossible not to befriend people who also like Ukraine. And the choice of topic for the poster was not a hard one for me, because I wear contact lenses and therefore, the memorial of Otto Wichterle, to whom I owe for them, suggested itself“
Nasťa Filipenko, Ukraine
“… CzechImage project allowed us to observe the Czech Republic through free and creative perspective and introduce it by means of artistic work, which allowed for the mutual discussion between our neighbouring countries. Our different experiences and ways of life drew a view of the Czech Republic that conceals in itself almost all levels of perception: romantic one, critic one or cliché. ”
Ula Schneider, Kunstschule Wien, Austria
The Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art University of West Bohemia
The Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art, also called ‘Sutnarka’ or ‘Sutnar Faculty’ for short, is a modern art school whose students, under the guidance of a number of important artists and designers, earn their Bachelor's and Master's degrees in a wide range of fields focused mainly on design and applied art. It is located in an original building with state-of-the-art equipment and a number of unique studios. The faculty features a team of important art figures and renowned designers with experience from the private sector, under whose leadership students achieve significant success in Czech and international competitions, implement projects in cooperation with professional and international partners, and participate in a number of exhibition projects.